Pickled Carrots

I love pickled carrots. I made a batch of these and we ate the whole jar last night (not the glass). The magical thing about these is that you can keep re-using the pickling juice so if you’re a little lazy or extremely conscious of waste or addicted to pickled carrots (guilty of all three), try this recipe!

  • 3 average size carrots
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  1. cut stems and tail ends off carrots and peel
  2. then halve them and quarter them (or do whatever slicing suits your jar)
  3. put vinegar, sugar and salt in jar and stir it around until it’s mostly dissolved
  4. add the carrots, cap, and shake it up a bit
  5. then uncap and add just enough water to cover carrots and shake again
  6. leave in fridge for at least 30 minutes

Here’s Kanye West singing about his three addictions
if you’re so inclined.

And here is the Portlandia pickling clip again to get you in the spirit.©domenicadreamsofcalamari.com 2014

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